If you don't like it, tell him to stop. He's staring at it because it makes him horny.
"Staring" refers to looking fixedly or intently at someone or something, while "starring" refers to being the main performer in a show or movie.
It could mean that the boy is interested in you or finds you attractive. However, it's important to communicate with him directly to understand his intentions rather than assuming.
Staring into the Sun was created in 1990.
You see if he's staring at you and you don't like it, ask one of your best friends to ask him if fancy's you and if he says yes and you don't fancy him get your best friend to either put him off you or to tell him to stop staring at you.
You can not get a boy to fancy you. If he doesn't like you, nothing you do can change that.
ProbablyIf a boy is staring at you it normally means two thingshe is just staring at you for no reasonor if he is continually staring at you he obviously likes youD Sapphire x
No, that's "staring". Staring and flirting are two very different things, if you think about it.
he'll probaly know that your staring at him because people can feel when someones staring at him or her i knoiw i can
It means he thinks it's weird! Less staring= the boy will feel less creeped out. There's your solution.
All you can really do is just keep flirting with him and see if he responds positively. If not, then he is not the person for you so just move on.
you keep in contact til he breaks up then you.... you know
just totally ignore him if u tell him to stop or show it bothers u he will keep on doing it :)
well,first they will always choose you,whether it is a game or a team.they will stand near a girl (or boy if gay) they will keep staring at the out for these if u r a girl,and do these if u r a boy from Hannah
If a cute boy is staring at you smile at him and tell him you like him then that way he'll like you to. But you also need to smile sweetly and act it to. Not only will the boy like you but someday or another he'll love you!