Since most people celebrate Christmas during the winter, and about a hundred years ago, people used sleighs pulled by animals such as reindeer to get around it's only natural to assume Santa Claus would ride a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, as in the story: T'was the night before Christmas. Today, people might think that Santa would use a vertical take off and landing aircraft like the Harrier jump jet or a helicopter or the Marine Corps Osprey plane.
you get a santa suit
Santa picked him up with his sliegh and Comet and Dasher.
santa rides a sleigh
A sleigh.
no because when endangerd they grow wings and fly to the north pole and find santa for shelter and fly his sliegh.
santa clause
Santa Fe Rides - 1937 was released on: USA: 25 February 1937
No Santa rides a sleigh which is pulled by reindeer!
Santa in Ireland rides on a sleigh. If you mean bride, then there is a Mrs. Santa Claus.
Santa Fe Rides - 1937 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)