because it is smarter than him. And you can't forget taller than him.
ugh i hate serials all the women in idnia are obsessed with serials anyway you could search it on google
I hate the suburbs because I lacks the diversity ,culture,and accessibility city has to offer. I personally find myself uncomfortable in the suburbs and somewhat trapped there. Plus In the city it's easier to joke about than murder than in suburbia for some reason. (I can't figure why?)
They probably thought his job wasn't good enough for a pureblood or something. Plus, the children hate Filch and the Death Eaters would have liked that. Plus, we don't know if they hated squibs or not.
Ai to Hate was created in 2010.
He asks him "Why do you hate me?"
it because they are all nerds who hate anyone makes money google is a business and they are mac fan-boys
I am sure strives to meet the needs of it's users. In other words, no, Google does not hate people.
ugh i hate serials all the women in idnia are obsessed with serials anyway you could search it on google
the theme of William Wilson is love v. hate.
in justice and cruelty
I hate Google.
i hate old ppl
forced his way into office with blackmail
Because Google+ was a fad for vaguely one month, a fad that he bought into to hopefully get more subscribers. Now that it is completely irrelevant, I'm guessing he has to stick with it because of some deal or contract (much of his money is made through google ads).
If everyone hated Google...then how is it the #1 website in the world?. Everyone hates Google because it's too big. You can't get on the internet without giving google some hits, I swear. Latest reason why I hate them is now that everyone is using tablets, google apps don't work with them. Why, who knows? Oh yeah, because Google sucks balls.
Reading Plus is a site that helps students with their reading skills.