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Girls don't date Asian guys, because they dont often get approach by them. This could be due to many factors. Minority comfort zone, cultural differences, language barer, etc.

When you say 'no one', you may be limiting your field of vision. There are all kinds of prospective type of females who could be interested in dating someone like you. You are many things besides Asian, you have interests, abilities, and a personality of your own. You are a human being and should relate to others on a human level. Avoid the mentality that 'I am Asian and you are not.' You are a person.

An important factor in developing relationships with people around you is to focus on their interests and needs. When engaging in conversation, make it about them and what they're interested in. Talk about yourself or your opinions only when asked and then keep it limited. Get to know the girls (women) as the people they are, not just that they are 'girls'. You may be surprised to find that some will start to think about you as a person also.

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