the seal is bad, the seal holds the pressure of the fluid but if the seal is bad there is no pressure
so water can go down hills so the water doesnt stay in the same place
no it doesnt go upside down
not a matter
it doesnt. it walks around with you if you go in a store than it goes in a store.
Well he doesnt have a home and he doent want to get reminded of that
so water doesnt go down it
If you swallow a fish bone you sraight away drink a glass of water keep and drinking water until it come down to your stomach if it doesnt go down you get a doctor while they get the doctor you start eating bread so it can go down but if it doesnt go down and you cant breath properly then you die and that is how it is.
Because it has a waxy substance on it's feathers that doesnt let the water in.
yeah it is , but why ? where would you/him/her go ? why doesnt that person just stay with their parents ?
No, look on cylinder with jack up.
He doesnt want to because he either wants to be friends or not have you melt down and go syco
I think not all of them go down with their ships. (He's the last one to stay in the sinking ship....)