Sometimes boyfriends like to tease u for fun but they still like you a lot.
u probably annoy him :/
Here is what i did.. let her facetime him. hurry up and do randiom things. After they hang up keep facetiming him. I did so much more stuff that annoyed the hell outa him :) Funny :) Ask me more "how to annoy" questions :)
try to do things that he likes, but if you annoy him and he said it than he's probbably a jerk, but i'm not! :)
Annoy them so much that it drives them crazy
Sisters usually annoy their brothers best friends because they either have a HUGE crush on them or they just hate that person so much they annoy them.
To annoy me. I hate being the only girl
I wouldn't go there. it will create a problem between you & your friend.
girls are great so don't annoy them
vandalism,hurt,there's just so much
"Does it annoy you when I ask you pointless questions?" would be favorite.
because other people laughing makes them laugh or they do it just to annoy you
so that the sound of the planes doesn't annoy people too much