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Halie Lockman

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Q: Why does it costs a lot to set up a plantation?
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Why does it cost a lot to set up a plantation exclude the cost of the factory?

Why does it cost a lot to set up a plantation? exclude the cost of the factoy

Why does it cost a lot to set up a plantation?


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What type of plantation did the loyalist set up in the Bahamas?

the loyalist set up cotton plantations in the bahamas:)

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Item (set-up) costs, holding (storage) costs, and shortage costs (demand > product).

Why did slavery cost too much?

it costs a lot of money because slave owners had to pay for accommodations so that the slave was intact conditions and that they were going up for a lot of money. also they had to pay for equipment so that slaves can work on a field or plantation. if a slave died they had to buy a new slave which would cost a lot of money which wasn't worth it

Who was the early explorer that set up a plantation that relied on slave labor to extract gold?

The early explorer who set up a plantation relying on slave labor to extract gold was Christopher Columbus. He established the first Spanish colony in the Americas on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) and implemented a system where indigenous people were forced to work in mines to extract gold.

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You need a new eggtimer.Yours is broken.Buy a brand new one which costs a lot

When and where modern industry set up in India and the basic requirements of setting up the modern industry?

mid 19th century mainly plantation industry

How were children educated on a plantation?

Children on plantations were often taught basic literacy and numeracy skills by their parents or by the plantation owner's family members. Some plantations had informal schools set up by slave elders or overseers. Education was limited, and teaching was focused on skills that were beneficial for the plantation economy.

What are the disadvantages of injection molding?

*High set up costs - Moulds etc *Complicated process *can only be used for large quantities due to costs

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A national park costs about $800,000 - $1,000,000