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Because some people are attracted to the same sex. It could be genetic, environmental, what ever, but it's clearly not a choice. Think about it. You can't even choose the individuals you're attracted to. If you could, crushes and infatuations wouldn't be a problem because you could just turn it off. If all those individuals happen to be of the same sex you're gay. If all those individuals happen to be of the opposite sex you're straight. If some are the same sex and some are the opposite you're bisexual. If you're never attracted to anybody you're asexual.


Evolved from a 'bluffing tactic'?

With evolution being the now accepted system to explain how and why we are here, homosexuality has always been a bit tricky to account for - evolution favours behavioral and physical attributes which increase the likelihood of reproduction (and therefore the attribute's continued existence); how then do we clarify homosexuality in this system if such a behaviour exempts reproduction? In other words, how can homosexuality exist at all if homosexuals are attracted to the same sex and therefore unable to pass on 'gay' genes?

It's tricky, but not impossible. Many behavioral traits which seem counterproductive now may have evolved from processes which actually aided a persons genetic survival. The initial trait of homosexuality could have arisen as far back as the time where human beings existed in Alpha-male/harem societies - one dominant male 'owns' all the females of the tribe and only he can mate with them. Beta-males needed to grow strong enough to overthrow the alpha male if he was to gain access to the females; trying to mate with a female certainly lead to death if they were not strong enough. Other males would either have to wait it out, grow strong enough to take over or start their own Harlem.

Facing this, weaker, smaller males would seem to be facing a genetic dead end - what chance would they have of ever becoming an Alpha-male? There is of course the notion that with all that pent up desire to mate, and no females to mate with, that making use of each other seems a viable outcome; however, this would still leave unexplained how genetically homosexuality traits could be part of evolution.

Instead, homosexuality traits might just have evolved as an advantage. Think about it, alpha male's react to threat - the stronger, more likely rival's would be kept at arms distance and under constant watch. Yet a smaller male whose agenda seems to be about grooming, pleasuring, pleasing and serving the alpha-male, even better - demonstrates a convincing impression that he isn't even interested sexually in females; better still - is sexually interested in the alpha-male himself, isn't going to appear a threat at all. This male would be welcomed into the Harlem, socialise closely with the females and alpha-male, a level of trust born from the notion he is incapable of sexual interaction with the females. This granted access would give the male an advantage over even the toughest of the alpha-males rivals; picking his time carefully he could now take which ever female he wished.

As generations passed and alpha-males became harder to 'fool', the 'bluff' evolved greater complexity and depth, (the bluffer needed to feel a genuine attraction to be more convincing) perhaps even to the point where the 'bluff' required to be believed by the bluffer himself, until we reach the modern world where it is no longer a bluff at all. It may be that in all humans there is a 'gay' gene present for this very situation, and just like eye-colour, the gene is either 'on', or 'off' in individuals; although personally I think everybody is capable of finding members of the same sex attractive, just to different levels.

Of course, in the present day, seemingly negative behavioral traits (in the evolutionary sense) are easily sustainable through science, technology and medicine; those at a 'disadvantage' do not peter out and go extinct anymore, so there is no need to clarify why homosexuality is rife in today's world.

The notion that homosexuality could have evolved from a basic bluffing tactic by actually heterosexual beings has been supported by evidence in human history, (Greek and Roman empires for example) and even the animal kingdom. I like it, because it goes some way in describing how such a paradoxical behaviour could sustain itself through evolutionary history. I haven't considered how this might work for homosexual females, but I am certain there is an equally ingenious reason why such behaviour might have been advantageous at a point in our species, indeed any species history.
Theories of Homosexuality

Psychiatric theories of homosexuality have included the following: that homosexuality is a regression to the earliest (oral) stage of development; that most families of homosexuals are characterized by an overprotective mother and an absent father; or that homosexuals fear engulfment by a dominant mother in the pre-Oedipal phase. Some authorities have suggested that homosexuality may be an expression of nonsexual problems, such as fear of adult responsibility, or may be triggered by various experiences, such as having sexual relationships with members of one's own sex at an early age that prove to be very satisfying. Arguments regarding the roots of lesbianism include disappointing heterosexual love experience, a father who displays distaste for men who express interest in his daughter, and memories of abusive relationships with men.

Many of these theories have been discredited in recent years, particularly by those who cite biological causation. Some researchers have contended that a disruption in the hormonal processes of the mother while she is pregnant may be one explanation. Simon Levay, a neurobiologist at the Salk Institute, has suggested that homosexuality may be related to brain functioning, as part of the hypothalamus in homosexual men is about a quarter to half the size it is in heterosexual men. Subsequent studies have shown that homosexual men react to certain substances believed to be human pheromones differently from heterosexual men. Several studies have pointed to a genetic predisposition governed by one or more genes on the X chromosome.

Other recent studies, while not directly supporting biological explanations for homosexuality, suggest that it may be a predisposition that can be detected at an early age among children who do not appear to have traditional gender identification. Whether it can be easily detected or not, most theorists agree that homosexual orientation tends to arise at an early age. Substantially fewer studies of homosexuality have been performed among lesbians, perhaps because of the greater stigma which is often attached to male homosexuality in many Western cultures.

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7mo ago

Homosexuality exists as a natural variation in human sexuality. It is believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. Evolutionarily, its persistence may contribute to social cohesion and group dynamics within a species.

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1y ago

Homosexuality is a malfunction in the male genes.

When the ovum is fertilised by a sperm , then genes match together. However, like to colour of one's eyes or colour of one's hair can vary , dependinig on how the genes match up. It is the same with sexuality, there is a degree of variation, from say Alpha-Male to homosexuality.

There is a similar (mis) matching in females too it is called lesbianism. It is not homosexuality in women , but certainly a sexual malfunction.

However, from ancient times until recently this mismatching was not understood. So it became a social problem.

Similarly the sex of an offspring(child) is determined by the Man not the woman.

Male genes Are XY . Female genes are X(1)X(2) . They can match as

XX(1) Female, XX(2) female YX(1) male & YX(2) male.

So although the child is born of the mother, it is her male partner who determines the sex of the child. It is a similar outcome for homosexuality.

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Journal of Homosexuality was created in 1976.

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