Yes, a man who is with another woman yet claims that he loves you is a lair. He is either after sex or something else.
she loves you
well if he is married why does he call you are you his wife or what? cause a married man should never cheat on his wife even if the wife was cheating and they want to get fair they should never cheat on their wife because that is saying that they don't really love their wife they just want the wife to think that their husband loves the wife and he is secreting having sex with another person
They want sex.
no because if the wife doesn't want to have sex, it can be classed as rape
There are many reasons why your wife may not want to have sex, it is important to ask her why she is not having sex.
i want to have sex wit u
Not necessarily. He may just want more sex...
Because he loves you and doesn't want you to think anything bad about him Because he loves you and doesn't want you to think anything bad about him
Well most certainly not if they want to keep having sex all the time.
Sex is for enjoyment and strengthen the bond between husband and wife so if she is angry and hurt and does not want to it will not be for enjoyment. Sex is only for when both want to have it.
noo. erica hates him even though he wants to have sex with her and they want 2 make a babeyy. lorenzo feels he loves her and he loves her vagina