Foods does not look boring actually. only some of the foods look boring. especially those healthy foods. This foods usually are for those lacking certain nutrients in the body. So, by taking these types of "boring" foods, they can obtain the nutrients needed.
dull and boring like poo! ;)
It's always the opposite of fast food-dude. Fast food always looks enticing but healthy food-of course not! That's because healthy food is always low in salt, sugar etc, that's why it looks bland. Get it now?
The Food Network is a great source for all types of food and dining. A quick look at their database will have you second-guessing that boring old spaghetti!
Fod that may be considered boring would be dry and tasteless. Such food would be better with added flavoring, a special sauce or seasoning.
You can not change a person unless they want to change. He may not be as "boring " as you think. Look, to self before deciding "who" a person is in life.
Thy food is thy medicine and thy medicine is thy food
yes if you look in boring books you will see
put sparklers in it put tobasco on it
Unfortunately, when adults hear 'fun' they think boring..
By stripping chunks of bark from dead or dying trees, to get at the wood boring insects that are their primary food source.
very wild and dull but they are boring