Drummond rejects Dunlap beacuse, Dunlap bealives in Brady, who is Drummond's opponent
The address of the Dunlap Public Library is: 102 S 10Th St, Dunlap, 51529 1443
Jamie Dunlap's birth name is Ronald James Dunlap.
Joshua Dunlap's birth name is Lyman Joshua Dunlap.
Leia Dunlap's birth name is Lynda Leia Dunlap.
Mandy Dunlap's birth name is Amanda Marie Dunlap.
Al Dunlap's birth name is Dunlap, Albert Eugene.
The address of the Dunlap Public Library District is: 302 South First Street, Dunlap, 61525 9777
The address of the Dunlap Historical Society Inc is: 1104 Jeroleman St, Dunlap, IA 51529-1224
on the grosset and dunlap website
John Dunlap has written: '\\'
Clarence Dunlap died in 2003.