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  • Some men are non committal; some are unhappy with their marriage; yet others may feel they want to regain their youth (around 40 years and up) and choose a younger woman to make him feel young and attractive again. Marriage can be mundane or stale at times for most married couples and these are the times when the couple has to sit down and communicate to see how they can spice up their marriage and there is also marriage counseling to consider. There are no excuses for cheating because if someone is that unhappy in their marriage they should have the fortitude to tell their spouse they are no longer happy in the marriage and leave. Unfortunately both men and women who cheat want the best of both worlds .. their wife and the person they are having the affair with because it's exciting and spices up their life. It is important that the wife let her husband know that she will not put up with his cheating and if he continues then she will file for at least a separation or possibly a divorce.
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Q: Why does a husband cheat on his wife?
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an exmisstress is a woman who a husband used to cheat on his wife with.

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yes. or maybe he thinks that the wife is not perfect enough. Or, husband finds someone better than the married wife.

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because he can

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If you will not move on, Then move out. Make a choice and get it done.

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To cheat (during an exam) is 'tricher' in French. To cheat on one's wife / husband is 'tromper sa femme / son mari'.

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the definition of an abusive relationship is the husband beats the wife or/and the wife beats the husband. they can either cheat on each other or literally beat each other with an item or anything

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In my experience, as both a husband and a wife, 100%

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its adultery which is a sin, not illegal unless in a prenup situation

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the ten commandments? and 1 more thou shall not cheat :)

Can you cheat on your wife in skyrim?

No, you can not cheat on your wife or husband in Skyrim once married the Amulet of Mara will not work anymore until your wife or husband has been killed in combat or you murder her or him yourself ( if you would like to try this save before anything kill your wife or husband and then wear the amulet and then find someone and then you could just load back at the saved point before you killed her or him) Note: you must wait 1-3 game days to get a letter about the death of your wife or husband then remarry.

Is the wife behavior or manners cost the husband to look for another woman?

i assume you're referring to cheating? infidelity? this question could have many answers- who knows why spouses cheat? the husband should tell the wife if he has a problem with her, and hopefully the wife can try to change that aspect so that they can have a better relationship. however, this is NO reason for a man to CHEAT on his wife (or vice versa).