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Because he is shy. He doesn't fully understand how to act around women, so he acts rude to them.


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Q: Why does a guy that likes you act like he hates you?
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How do you know if a guy likes you or if he doesn't care a bit about you?

If a guy likes you he will flirt with you but if he doesnt like you then he would act like he hates you.

How do you know if this guy who is a teenager really likes you?

Well he can act like he hates you.

What if a guy likes you but his friends hate you?

Then the guy likes you and his friend hates you.

Why do guys act towards one girl as a cocky flirt and then her friend as the nice guy?

he hates you, and likes your friend...............sorry

When a guy like you he will act like what?

Well if a guy likes you then he will probably act kinda of differently at first. In the begging he will act like the guy YOU want. Once you finally open him up he will act like himself.

What do you do if a guy likes you but everyone picks on him and hates him?

Who cares what other people think! If you like him as well, then go for it(:

What does it mean when a guy says i don't like you as a friend?

it mean he likes you more than a friend or he hates you

You like a guy but he acts like he hates you does that mean he likes you?

Not necessarily. People can have various reasons for displaying negative behavior, such as envy, insecurity, or simply not liking someone. It's essential to communicate directly with the person to understand their true feelings before making assumptions.

What does it mean when you dream about a guy who hates you but in the dream he likes you?

It means that you are seeking his approval..maybe you really like him, maybe not

Would a guy tell another guy to tell you that he likes you and then act like he didn't?


My friend likes a guy but he hates her should she still like him?

I guess she still could like the guy, but if she is looking for a relationship with a guy, she might want to think about moving on to bigger and better things.

How will a guy who likes you act like if you ask him out?

If he likes should be fine. Every once and a while, guys like to be asked out.