The young generation may copy famous people because they admire their lifestyle, success, or image and believe that emulating them will lead to similar achievements or recognition. Additionally, the influence of social media and celebrity culture can play a significant role in shaping their behavior and choices.
It's important to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Focus on wearing clothes that you like and that express your personal style. Remember, being yourself is key in building a genuine connection with someone.
Peer pressure can influence the way you dress by making you feel the need to conform to certain trends or styles to fit in with a group. This can lead to feelings of self-consciousness or insecurity if your clothing choices don't align with your peers'. It's important to remember to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident, regardless of external pressure.
A guy may tease you as a way to get your attention or to establish a playful rapport with you. It can also be a way for them to show interest in you or to flirt in a lighthearted manner.
The way you dress can influence how you feel and how others perceive you, but it does not fundamentally change your personality. Dressing in a certain style may reflect aspects of your personality or mood in that moment, but it is just one aspect of self-expression. Personality is more deeply rooted in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors over time.
try to look at pics, and then copy your way out
Yes of Asna Buinpo of Asia's wedding dress and it also looks similare to cinderellas dress and prince Williams suit looks looks like the guy cinderela married
Its simple really. Dress NORMALLY girls! but really! If the guy doesn't like the way you dress, he's not worth your time! Just dress normally, but not like a guy. Dress tomboyish, not too girlie, and not too much like a dude. It's important to know what this guys interests are, what he likes to do. Have fun!
You have to intrest him. You want to have stuff in common. A way to get a guy to notice you is to dress up and wear makeup I guess. <3 Ghosti
Dress the way you already dress because no guy likes girls who try too hard to get attention but if you do want to try something then maybe try wearing a pretty shirt or dress because most likely he will tell
Kenny the copy guy
Clearly, he is a LOSER! Sounds like this guy has issues. Don't keep this guy around, because he is not worth your time. Each person has their individual way of expressing thierselves. I would avoid this person as much as possiable. You do not need unecessary negativity in or surrounding your bubble. If you like the way you dress, then thats all that matters! Right?
The guy should wear a black tux. That way he will not make you look bad and clash.
Why do you dress the way you dress? Because you like it.
Neither. You're a guy. You should never try on a dress. Much less need one.
You can make a copy of the dress at Copycat Fashions. All you need is to upload a picture of the dress you like and you'll get your customised copy in short period of time. I got a couple of dresses from them and I love it!!! They web is
abaya in the form of bakhtiriApart from black or white turbans for ayatollahs or mullahs, there is none. Some people copy Western dress, others copy Arab and Russian Orthodox dress.