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Just liability, I guess. They don't want little kids to say that there was no way of them knowing that the porn they were watching on YouTube was "Bad"

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Q: Why does YouTube not allow naked people?
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What can you do if you get an account on YouTube?

Well it allow's you to put video's on youtube and people can subscribe to your video's and stuff

Do they allow people under thirteen on YouTube?

No you have to be thirteen or older.

Can people see your gender when they visit your channel on youtube?

Depends if you allow people see this. So it is optional.

Why did Vanessa tack pitcurs of her self naked and put in YouTube?

Where at on youtube i would like to peek at that

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Why can't you show youself naked on youtube?

It's not that kind of website.

Who was tormented by a naked shopper on MTV's Punkd?

go on youtube to find out

How do dreammovies differ from videos offered on youtube and the like?

Well, there's a lot more naked people on dreammovies for starters. Youtube generally offers entertainment or video blogging with a whole lot more clothes on.

Why do terminators retern naked?

because they lose ther cloth. wacth at youtube.

What does YouTube monetise mean?

It means that company's will pay Youtube to allow them to put their adverts on your videos and Youtube will pay you do allow them to. You also get money everytime someone clicks on the advert that is on your video.

How do you be nakid on zwinky?

go on youtube,my good friend has a tutorial on that.type in "how to be naked on zwinky". :]

What does standard YouTube license means?

The standard YouTube licence is detailed in the Terms of Service, but basically you grant YouTube to broadcast your video on YouTube. Apart from that, you retain all copyright. It means you allow people to watch your video, but not download it, copy, or distribute it. If you want people to be able to redistribute it you can select a Creative Commons license