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because your nipples like milk and doing so they dip them selfs in your mouth whilst you sleep and absorb the milky saliva and thus, smell like milk

hope this answered your question

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Q: Why do your nipples smell of milk but no pregnancy?
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Does teen age girls get milk in their nipples?

No. Milk is only produced after pregnancy. If there is something go see the doctor.

Will your nipples lighten after pregnancy?

Yes the nipple will get loose, as you must remember the baby when sucking milk must have a soft nipple

Why does your nipples become sore or sensitive during pregnancy?

They become sore due to the changes going on within your breast - the production of milk.

Can you milk a squirell?

If it has nipples, you can milk it!

Can a non-pregnant hamster have nipples?

Yes, they have teats. They are mammals and feed their young milk for the first 6 weeks after birth. The teats will grow and expand to hold the milk.

How do you make my nipples darker?

Nipples will darken during pregnancy.

How do you know when my cat has milk in its nipples?

Squeeze on her nipples.

Why does nipples smell?

They don't.

In 4 months of pregnancy you found clear liquids from your nipples but when its come together with a little of blood and white liquid like milk recently is that normal?

Breast go through a series of changes during pregnancy. It is normal to experience liquid secretion durnig pregnancy. It begins with clear fluid and develops milk.

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Will the unmarried lady will secret milk from her breast?

i am dillip. i married 15 days i know that my wife's have leckage of milk on her breast. that is possible ya not possible. i know that a lady after pregnancy can give her milk but now i didnot understand that is possible

Why do you have sore nipples and on your period?

Yes it can be or a sign your soap is irritating your nipples or bra is rubbing against your nipples, etc.