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Most girls that don't already have their ears pierced usually want them pierced because they see all other girls with piercings or they just simply want to wear earrings.

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Q: Why do young girls feel the need to get their ears pierced?
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Why do girls want their ears pierced?

girls want to feel beautiful

What does it feel like to get your ears peirced?

Getting your ears pierced is no biggy, trust me when I first got mine pierced I didn't feel a thing. The lady used a gun piercing thing that pierced my ears fast. It is fast and easy you barley feel a thing : ) the faster it is the less pain you feel.

When should a kid get their ears pierced?

It all depends on when you feel that your child is resposible enough to take care of their ears. Believe it or not pierced ears is a big resposibility, they have to make sure that they turn their earings and clean their ears.

How does it feel wearing a pierced hole in your earlobe?

You don't notice a difference after a short period of time. I often forget my ears are pierced.

How old should you be to get your ears double pierced?

I was 11 when I got my ears double pierced. The feeling was great! It made me feel more grown up. You should let your kids. They will be grateful.

What does it feel like to get your ears pierced with a gun?

When you are having your ears pierced with a piercing gun there is a pinch like feeling. Some people think it feels the same as getting a shot. The pain is over in a second of time.

How does it feel like to get your ear pierced?

It feels like magnets pressing begents your ears!~It does not hurt

What is it said to mean if your ears are burning?

It folk law that is supposed to mean that someone is talking about you.

Does it hurt when you get your ears pierced answers?

For me it didn't. However, I have told that I don't really feel the pain. Everyone is different. Having your ears pierced is really cool, I would really recommend it, It looks great as you can experiment with different earrings and have earrings to match your style. If you feel pain easily it might hurt a little, but it will defiantly be worth it! Hope I helped!

Does it hurt to get ears peirced?

Well when I got my ears pierced I honestly did not feel a thing. BUT IF YOUR A BOY then yes cause every boy that has there ears pierced that I know said they felt the worst pain ever

Is 9 too young to get your ears pierced twice on one ear?

Personally, I feel that if the 9 year old is able and willing to clean the piercings themselves, its fine. Of course, its still a good idea to remind them about cleaning and make sure they're doing it right.

What does it feel like to be 10 and get your ears pierced?

I got my ears pierced when I was 7 and I felt absolutely nothing, it was over before it started. I guess everybody is different though, but just don't be scared. Relax and you'll be fine :D And it feels great afterward cause you can buy the prettiest earrings, studs or dangly ones.