Because your womb is expanding to accommodate the child, and as it does so it presses on your bladder.
The pregnancy itself would not prevent you from doing so but most certainly the police officer.
No that is not a symptom of pregnancy
The only way you can do this is either 1) buy the cheapest pregnancy test you can find at least 3 of those and one of them should come out positive if you pee on it...2) get an actual pregnant friend to pee on it for you...
I don't think so
when you pee your pants and your pants split because there is so much pee
when you pee your pants and your pants split because there is so much pee
Hiccoughs are always normal. Don't worry so much!
Its unlikely. Every pregnancy is different and some wone do experience a lot of cramping during early pregnancy. But see your doctor to make sure everything is ok.
possible diabetis
Frequent means often so it's when you have to run to bathroom and pee all the time. Common with pregnancy.
Frequent means often so it's when you have to run to bathroom and pee all the time. Common with pregnancy.
because they have small bladders