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You need to be over 13 because there is "adult" content on FaceBook.

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Q: Why do you need to be 13 and over to go on facebook?
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What age do you have to be over to go on Facebook?

You have to be 13+ to join Facebook legally. If you join Facebook when you are under thirteen and are discovered your account will be terminated.

How old do you have to to be in order to go on Facebook?

You must be at least 13 years old to register for an account on Facebook.According to the Facebook Privacy Policy page:"No information from children under age 13. If you are under age 13, please do not attempt to register for Facebook or provide any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible."

Why do you have to be 13 to go on Facebook?

Its one of Facebook's Rules!

When should you get a Facebook?

To get Facebook you have to be 13 years or over and to join go on the Facebook website and sign upMy advice is to get facebook when you have reached a mature age, NOT when all your friends. If you do want to get it, talk to your parent or guardian first.when your 13 years old then its good

What age do you have to be to go Facebook?

You have to be at least 13 to use Facebook.

What age do you have to be to go on Facebook?

You need to be above 13 yrs of age to be able to use Facebook. When you are trying to sign up for a Facebook account, you will be asked to enter your date of birth and then you need to agree to their terms of service. It is clearly stated that those below the age of 13 cannot sign up for a Facebook account.

Do you have to be 13 to go on facebook?

Yes you do.

How do you supervise children under 13 for facebook?

well to supervise them you have to look at them and check on them when they are on facebook and go on there account like twice a week to find out what there doing and if they have have inaproopite pictures,though they shouldnt even be on facebook as the minumum age is over 13.

Why do you have to be 13 to go Facebook?

You have to be 13 or over to have a face book because they are the rules! Do I agree with these rules? no I don't but it is against the law to have a face book account if you are 13 or younger!

How do you get an account on Facebook?

If you're 13, you can just go to facebook and fill in the blanks.

Can you be 9 to go on Facebook?

No, you have to be 13 years old.

How old do you have too be too go on Facebook?
