I don't know how long it has been since he passed away, but you are working through his death and the dream is one way your mind does it. It is OK and they will taper off after awhile or change.
keep it in your dreams and not anywhere else
The person/company that sold the car wants their money. They don't care who pays it, as long as it gets paid. Condolences for the loss of your husband, but you get to keep the car as long as you keep making payments.
It is not possible to keep having the same dream intentionally. Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind, whereas the desire to have a certain dream is a function of the conscious (waking) mind. Contrary to some claims, particularly those regarding lucid dreams, one cannot entirely supplant the subconscious mind's dream function.
so she will want to keep having sex with him
How long a person keeps tax records for a deceased person will vary depending on the circumstances. Use your best judgment. It is recommended that a live person keeps their records for 5 to 7 years.
I keep having a recurring dream of my ex boyfriend. we were together when i was at school for 13 months and he was my first love. he went to prision and rote me a letter saying we were over. i was gutted. I then met a really nice lad who i have now been with for nearly 18 months. for the past 6 months i keep having dreams about my ex boyfriend and in these dreams we are soo in love and things were like they used to be. I keep waking up thinking about my ex and its driving me mad. what does this mean ?
The question seems to say that the dreams are about seeing the deceased uncle at the cemetery. The dream suggests that the dreamer's mind is struggling to accept the reality of the uncle's death. One part of the mind allows the uncle to seem alive in the dream, while a different part of the mind accepts his death and sets the dream in the cemetery. Such dreams are a normal part of the grieving process and are not cause for any worry or alarm.
Contact his immediate superior, if you don't get anywhere there just keep climbing upward. I'm sorry for your loss.
heaven , what do you think just keep in dreaming [ lucky] i wish i was like you
Happy love with a crush in a dream means you are happily crushing on him, and unhappy love means you have done him wrong. The dream you had is just a mix of the two, which - oddly - means something entirely different; you are subconciously afraid of losing your husband
Dreams communicate in symbols. For example, it is easy to see that little white bunnies represent something pure and innocent. So in this dream, someone is hurting or destroying innocence. It is more difficult to understand your husband's role in the dream, because dreams are nearly always about the dreamer, not about anyone else. While it is possible that the dream's message is about your husband's behavior, that is much less likely than the possibility that the dream is telling you about yourself. What aspect of you is most like your husband? Or is there some way in which your husband is acting through you, or perhaps you are acting through your husband? Look for additional details in the dream that might contain hints as to its meaning.
because you like him so much that you dream about dating him.