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its for pleasure.

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Q: Why do you have bumps around your breast nipples?
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What does it mean when you have bumps on your nipples and didnt before?

hey do you know what it mean when your a women in you have bumps around your first they be smooth but then bumps come out of no were !! can you help me ??

What are the bumps on your dogs tummy?

All mammals have nipples, even male mammals-thoughs bumps are nipples.

Should a man have bumps on his outer nipples?

Yes it is normal all boys go through it is a sign of breast enlargment that happens in puberty

What are the small bumps around a womans nipples for?

When you are pregnant those small bumps leak fluid to help lubricate your nipple to help it not dry out.

I have lumps in my breast around my nipples about the size of marbles can you tell me what they are they are in both of my nipples?

If you haven't already, get them checked out immediately.

Can women with breast implant have erected nipples?

Yes, women with breast implants can have erect nipples.

Can you get scabies on your nipples?

Yes. It is more common in women. It can be around the breast, areola, or nipple.

Could you be pregnant if you got your period but had breast soreness that went away yet you still have little bumps on your nipples?

yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them

What are the bumps on the nipples?

Those bumps are called the Montgomery glands and they act to moisturize the nipples, especially during breastfeeding. See related links for more details.

Why are the bumps around your nipples dry?

nipples are supposed to be dry, it's in the bible. accept it ashole

What are the bumps around a girl?

They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.

What are the bumps around the girls nipple?

They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.