yes once evey 4 weeks
No pregnancy cannot cause this. This sounds like irregular periods. See your Doctor.
There is no way to change your Facebook user name more than once in 6 months.
if you're pregnant.
depend on the size and species, they can be fed as often as twice a week or once a month, but they should never go more than a month without food
It depends just what treatment you are using. Anti-flea shampoo can be used more than once a month. There are medical applications that are used once every three months.
It means your period came at different times of the month, nothing more mystifying than that - when your period is due isn't determined by the date on the caldendar, it is determined by your menstrual cycle.
With a little more than one orbit per month, the Moon wanes at least once each and every month.
Stealing is a crime, period. Even just once.
No, this could cause toxic effects.
cause some months has more weeks than others.