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Gifts are given as a way to celebrate the day a person was born and to show general appreciation and affection for him/her. Some birthdays are celebrated for religious reasons (a bar mitzvah) or for coming of age (turning 18 in the United States means you are now an adult and can be legally liable for your actions).

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Birthday celebrations vary by culture and gender. As far back as ancient Rome birthdays were celebrated. Christianity introduced the calendar of saints that gave each day a saint or martyr. This calendar led to the custom of individuals taking for his or her confirmation name the name of the saint honored on his/her day of birth. Even today some Catholics celebrate the saint on his/her "name day" rather than celebrating a "birthday" and some Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays because of the pagan origin of the birthday celebration. Another theory about how birthday gifts started states that years ago in Europe people believed that evil spirits would seek out and haunt someone on his/her birthday. To protect the person people would gather together and bring with them good wishes. Eventually, this became the birthday party and the good wishes gifts.

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Christmas, Hanukkah, and birthdays if you count those as holidays.

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Yes. The series is: 11 Birthdays, Finally, and 13 Gifts. 13 Gifts is the sequel to Finally.

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Other books that connect with "11 Birthdays" by Wendy Mass include "Finally" and "13 Gifts." These books are part of the Willow Falls series and follow the lives of the same group of friends in the same town.

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It has just become traditional to celebrate birthdays by giving gifts to the person whose birthday it is. In some cultures, the person celebrating gives gifts to others.

What are some books like 11 birthdays?

finally and 13 gifts or read how i survived middle school

What are the customs of canada?

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How birthdays are celebrated in The Giver?

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