you dont really get butterflies in your stomach but when you feel weird in your stomach you might be nervous or sick.
Because you are nervous or upset about something.
Because your blood supply is being directed to somewhere 'more important' in your body
The Hink Pink is jelly belly.
Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps - 2009 Angelina and the Tummy Butterflies Angelina and the Magician was released on: USA: 26 December 2009
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it is an expression used to mean that you are scared.
You will end up smiling without knowing it when someone says his name, when you see him or if he starts talking to you, your throat will feel tight, an you will feel butterflies in your tummy
He takes 2 Tylenol or 2 Advil and lays down with a pillow under his tummy or a bag of hot water on his tummy. He gives himself a tummy rub.
No food in my tummy yet but there will be soon.
Tummies is the plural for the noun tummy.
butterflies nest
You dream about him, get butterflies in your tummy when he is near, you always think of him, what ever you think of it always realates back to him, act girlie around him, you always wanna spend time with him and ask yourself would you rather be with anyone else.
you get a tummy tuck at a hospital it is surgery.
Apple tummy was created in 2009.