To show I love you or want to kiss you, but I'm not ready for kissing yet. On the contrary. it could also mean I want to kiss, but I am not close enough, for I will blow one out of my love for you.
kisses for you=besos para ti Kisses is besos For you is para ti To say that if you have kisses for somebody, you say: "Tengo besos para ti", which means "I have kisses for you" Hope this helps!
They are flirting, awkwardly and ineffectively, but flirting.
No. You can dance and blow kisses and stuff but you can't "make out". The game wasn't designed to "make out".
blow kisses smile bat eyelashes giggle coo
Smile your most sweetest smile. SCREAM as loud as you can. Wave your hands up in the air. Blow him 6 kisses. And hope he notices you.
um you cant kiss on meez. you should know that. u cant kiss on meez because they wont let u just type in kisses Actually you can blow a kiss by typing in *kiss *xxx These will make you have a action that will blow a kiss
If he follows it up with some other sign of affection then yes he probably likes you. However if it is one of thing then he is probably just flirting, if he is brave enough to blow kisses at you he would be brave enough to ask you out.
hugs and kissesHugs and kisses! Hugs and kisses!
If he kisses you and he kisses your friend and he knows that she is your friend then he's not the one for you and you could do better.
One kiss , many kisses. xxxxxxx
only air-blown kisses. just go up to one of them and keep pressing the button to make them happy and eventualy yours will blow a kiss.
the answer isThere are kisses that pronounce by themselves the condemnatory judgement of love, there are kisses that are given with the eyes, there are kisses that are given with the memory.their are silent kisses, noble kisses there are kisses that only given to the soul there are prohibited kisses, true ones.there are kisses that scorch and hurt, there are kisses that knock out the senses, their are mysterious kisses that have left a thousand dreams lost and roaming.there are problematic kisses that lock a key that no one has deciphered, there are kisses that bring out tragedy how many clasped rose have let go.there are perfume kisses, warm kisses that palpitate in intimate desires, there are kisses that leave prints like a sun field between two ices. there are kisses that seems like lilies, for they are sublime, ingenious and pure, there are traitorous kisses and coward, there are damned kisses and bewitched.Judas kissed Jesus and leaves imprinted in his God face, the felony, while Magdalene with her kisses fortifies his kind of agony.Since then in those kisses palpitates the love, the treachery, and the pain, in human weddings they seem like the wind that plays with the flowers.There are kisses that produce delirium, of lovely burning passion and craziness, you know them well they are kisses of mine made up by me, for your lips.