Women want commitment because they want to be sure of the future. And they are afraid of starting all over again.
this is coming from a guy who lives with a family full of sisters and when they say they want commitment the mean the want you to be there for them to NOT CHEAT ON THEM to lean their love language.
He is entitled to avoid commitment with clingy women, if he so desires. If commitment is what you want, perhaps he is not right for you. Or perhaps you shouldn't be clingy. Those are all possibilities.
the government may have loudly proclaimed its commitment to the women's cause meaning
Women basically want a man to either commit to going together on a steady basis and, in time they want to know they have a future with them. Men shouldn't just "keeping dating" a woman for years expecting all the goodies without some commitment. If men want to remain single or they can't find a woman with the same outlook in life as they have (no commitment) then they shouldn't date women who do.
He loves himself more. Are you sure you want a commitment from a narcissist? He is not ready for a commitment. You need to decide for yourself how long you want to stay in the relationship without a commitment.
Just tell her the truth. you want a divorce so you can mes around with other women and your commitment to her was all a big lie and your word means nothing.
because they are ready for a commitment
Ceres - women's fraternity -'s motto is 'Commitment to Build'.
Why would she even want to? If you are married, you made a commitment and shouldn't be looking for anything else. So, in short, NO.
There is no fixed age or indeed expectation for women to get divorced. If you plan to get married then you should do so on the basis that the commitment will be lifelong.
men want to be women
if the male is not ready for commitment you cant force them... just let them go and pray that they come back.. if so, it was meant to be, if not then let them go