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Mairage does not make a person less atractive to the opposite sex. herefore if a woman has no strong feelings on the sanctity of mairage why not. Other woman are seduced by men who fail to tell them of their marage and then find it dificult to give the relationship up. There are all kinds of reasons.

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Q: Why do women sleep with married man?
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Can a man and women of English and Egyptian nationality sleep together if they are not married?

it up to u and him now

Why do single women sleep with married men?

better question... why do married men sleep with anyone who is not their wife?

Why do women sleep with married men?

Simple, those women that love to sleep with the married men are the type that don't want responsibilities. Like married men, they love the excitement of hiding the relationship. Some feel better knowing that no matter what, the married man will always comes back to get some attention. There are some women that feel thrilled when they know the married man's family will be destroyed. Perhaps sleeping with someone else's husband makes that woman think that she is more attractive than the other woman, and she gets a temporary boost to her self esteem. However, in the long term there are serious consequences to her actions, both to her and the man. Sometimes the woman is single and is hoping she can get the man to leave his wife and marry her. Sometimes she is married and wants a way out of an unhappy marriage.

How can you tell when a married man is interested in a married women?

if the married man keeps talking to the lady everyday. he is looking for the chance

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Yes i heard that there is kuwaiti women married pakistani man

What scares a man away from a married women?

the fact shes married

Can single women expect anything from a married man?

Depends on the man.

What is a philanderer?

A philanderer is a married man who has affairs with women other than his wife.

Is Mrs used for married people?

Mrs. is for a married women Ms. is used for an unmarried women Mr. is used for a man married or unmarried

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Can a Muslim women married with a catholic man?

No, a Muslim woman can't get married with a Catholic man. She is allowed per Islam teachings to get married with only a Muslim man.