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Not all women are neccessarily like this. But, for the ones that are, are probably just afraid of the fact that there's a possible chance they found the "one", and just dont want to get heartbroken. So, they would most likely keep to themselves, or treat the guy the opposite way as a reaction.

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Q: Why do women get scared when a guy treats them right?
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Why do women get scared and dump a guy when he treats her right or does Gentleman things for her?

because they are scared of getting too close and then getting dumped themselves.

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Some women are scared when they really like a guy for a very simple reason. Rejection. They are afraid that the guy will not reciprocate the feelings that she holds for him.

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someone who is loyal ,treats you right and you can always talk to and know you can depend on him

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if you are scared then its not the right time nor the right guy,you havto want it and you def wanna wait till you know its the right guy cuz you wont want to leave him after you do it,it doesnt hurt it just is uncompfortible at first

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the guy who respects who and treats your right. Also, which one do you feel more passion with?

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One of the answers on why a girl or a women scared is of getting in love of the wrong person. Also to know that the guy doesn't like you he like somebody else......

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Because if they have a soft man and something happens wont nobody be scared of him . ANd a big guy they will get scared basicallyy for protection nddd strictsness

What does it mean when a guy takes things from a girl?

This mean he is unfaithful to the girl or hes just a jerk and treats women without respect

What do you do if you want to go out with a guy and your parents wont let you?

If you really like him and he treats you right, don't let them stop you.

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The way he treats you like if he treats you with respect or not.

Why do woman go for guys that treat them like crap?

"Women" don't do that. Immature girls do that. They go for the ones that treat them like crap so that they can gain pity from other people when they say "I just want a guy who treats me right!" The women worth dating don't go for jerks.