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The so called "blood clots" are most likely the endometrial lining that you shed each time. Your period isn't just blood, it's also the protective layer of tissue (the endometrial lining) that your uterus creates to cushion the egg.


The reason why we get blood clots its normal for one but its because if your body doesnt get rid of it, it can stop up something in your system and that's not good so if your body releases chunks of blood its only to help you

During your period your body will release anticoagulants that keep the blood fluid and thinned. However, if your flow is extremely strong, the blood may pass before the anticoagulants can work. In this case, the blood may clot as it is passed.

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Q: Why do women get blood clots when they get their period?
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Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

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Blood clots in a period are due to blood that was stationary long enough to begin to congeal.

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Because it has blood clots and womb lining in it

What are the different types of clots that can occur during a period?

During a period, different types of clots that can occur include small clots, medium-sized clots, and large clots. These clots are typically made up of blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus.

What does it mean when you are on your period and you bleed clots of blood?

it means you are a squirrel :)

Are excessive blood clots during a womens period ok?

No excessive blood clots are not normal you should be seen by your heath care provider.

Why are clots in your period blood and lots of flooding this time?

* you see blood clots which are actually clots of tissue in your menstruation -- don't worry, this is a normal occurrence and is no cause for alarm. Blood clots such as these are perfectly normal because menstruation involves the shedding of the lining of the uterus.

Can blood clot past out through your period?

Yes, blood clots can pass out with menstrual blood during your period. Blood clots are a normal part of the menstrual flow and can vary in size and frequency from person to person. However, if you experience unusually large or frequent blood clots, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider.

Do to much of blood clots in your period make it difficult for you to get pregnant?

No that has nothing to do with it.