You need to compare things to see which one works better or is easier to use.
what is the form you would use the word curiously to compare two things
Compare means to say what is alike between one or more things. Contrast is to say what is different between them.
(of an adjective or adverb) expressing a higher degree of a quality, but not the highest possible (e.g., braver; more fiercely).Positive Comparative Superlativesimple simpler simplestsilly sillier silliestwhite whiter whitestclear clearer clearesteasy easier easiest
Those units measure very different things; you can't compare them.
For comparing numbers with decimals, first compare the integer part - in this case, 11 and 13. If these are different, there is no need to compare the decimal part.
compare is when you compare two things that are the same and contrast is when you compare two things that are different.
There are several ways to compare GPS systems online it depends where you have looked. Amazon is a great site to go compare GPS systems and any other things you need to compare.
Why do you even bother to compare to completely unrelated things?Why do you even bother to compare to completely unrelated things?Why do you even bother to compare to completely unrelated things?Why do you even bother to compare to completely unrelated things?
the bible compares things to sheep because they are the "lowly" ones and they need a Shepperd. and its easy to describe things in illustration.
To find something in common, we need to compare at least two things. 0.1 is one thing.
Impossible to answer - to provide a common factor we need at least two things to compare !
There can only be one LCM, and you need at least two things to compare to find it.
compare means what two things have in common. contrast are the differences things have.
No. To find something in common, you need to compare at least two things.
Similies compare two "unlike" things when using like or as to develop the comparison
Compare and contrast is kind of a redundant statement. It just means to compare similarities and differences of one relationship to another. For example,"in this relationship, I can be myself. With my ex, I had to pretend to be someone I wasn't"
what is the form you would use the word curiously to compare two things