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Because if you are not pregnate you would have you period.Presumably,there is a big chance of you pregnate.

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Q: Why do they say to take a test after a missed period?
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How soon can you take a pregnancy test when you have a 38 day cycle?

they say a week after your missed period for the best results

If you take a pregnancy test three days before your missed period then take on a few days after your missed period an it is positive are you pregnant?

Yes you probably didn't have enough hormone built up in your system prior. But I would def. say you are pregnant. Congrats!

If you stopped birth control pills last month and havent gotten your period yet when should you take a home pregnancy test?

ASAP. Especially if you've already missed a period. Many of the newer meters can detect pregnancy before the first missed period. (or so they say)

What is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test to find out if your pregnant?

Missing menstruation (missing your period) would generally be the earlist sign of pregnancy. .....I could tell i was pregnant about 1 week after my missed period...not because of a blood test but me and my partner felt a difference during sex. it felt, well smoother. The earliest you can be SURE is when someone hears the heartbeat or you feel movements. why not just take a test?

When can confirm pregnancy in a urine test?

some test say a day before you missed period! but with both my children i was about a month pregnant when the test turned up positive!

How many days should i wait to take a test after my missed period when i already took one and it negative one day after missed period?

A week ought to give you a good result. Some of the tests today say it can detect pregnancy in 2-3 days, but a week is a good measure.

If you are late on starting your period how long do you have to wait to take a pregnancy test?

Most say at least a week to get the right answer. You could take one as early as your first missed day and it may be negative but you still could be pregnant. So I would wait at least 3 days. You can ask your doctor to do a blood test and the hcg levels will show sooner on that. Good luck

How far along do you have to be to get a postive test?

* Well some pregnancy test boxes will say," Results 5 days (anywhere from 1-7 days) before your missed period."

Is it bad if you miss your period and your thirteen?

If you are having sex at 13, and you missed your period for one month there is a very good possibility you could be pregnant. Which is very difficult to do at age thirteen because you're body really isn't ready to bare a child or care for a child because you are still a child. I would say if you missed you period you better take a pregnancy test to start.

When is the earliest time you can take an EPT?

Some tests say you can use them 2 or 3 days before your period is due, but if you take it when your period does not come it will be more accurate. You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you are late for your period. The longer you wait to do the test, the higher the accuracy of the test.

You have been feeling very tired nauseous your breast are sore and you missed your period Could this mean anything other than pregnancy?

I am sure it could mean something else, but I would say it's time to take that test!

If you have done a urine pregnancy test a day after your last day of your period and a extremely faint second light shows does that mean there could be a possibility that it could be pregnancy related?

I would say it could be some sort of small possibility however, you usually do not take a pregnancy test on the LAST day or your period. You are usually suppose to take it 1 day or more AFTER you have MISSED a period. However i do not know how faint the line was but if you saw anything of a send line i would say wait 1-2 weeks and take another.