Perhaps they are experimenting; perhaps they are to some extent gay. Being gay or 'straight' is often not a simple matter of either ... or.
... as gay as guy can be straight
Straight men want the same things from gay guys that they want from straight guys: friendships and good working relationships.
No, not at all. Straight guys do not take that kind of interest in gay guys.
cause hydrogen is gay and oxygen is straight and straight guys hate gay guys
Gay guys, straight guys, and bisexual guys can all get tattoos.
Some do and some don't. Just like some gay guys like straight guys, and some don't. You can't generalize like this.
Straight guys sometimes do just to have fun, when gay guys do, they do so because they are being themselves.
no they all are straight and lovable guys
we're just as healthy as straight guys ^_^
Am a straight guy and it depends. I dont bully people. But straight guys do make fun of people. Gay guys might be the same way. But gay guys are almost never mean to a girl.
If they are chasing gay guys, I can't see that they are straight.AnswerIf this happens, they probably either do it to hurt the other person or because they truthfully ARE gay but do not want to admit this fact to everyone because they are scared.
No. Most men shave, gay or straight.