Losing weight depends on your metabolism. Find out how yours works and what is good for you to eat and you should lose weight over time.
If you are working out and not losing weight, you may need to adjust your calorie intake. Some people have a slower metabolism and lose weight faster than others.
They really don't lose weight faster it looks like it becuz of the muscels but they don't
Different people have different metabolisms- Some people will gain / lose weight faster than others.. If you are patient you should see a change soon- even if slow.
Apples are examples of fruits that make you lose weight faster
While losing weight fast is something a lot of overweight people want, sometimes it is not possible. It will help to eliminate sugary and refined carbohydrates which can make you hungry. Stick to protein, water and some green veggies and losing weight should be easy. Lose weight at a steady pace. Rushing to lose weight is a risk factor in having a lot of saggy skin. If you are tempted by a donut, remember that knowing you beat temptation is a better feeling than the taste of a donut. The more you resist, the easier it gets. Have confidence in yourself no matter how long it takes. Some people lose weight faster than others. The more overweight you are, the faster you will lose.
Some overweight people may have a medical condition which results in weight gain, and can make it very difficult for them to lose weight. Others simply don't have the willpower and/or desire to stick to a weight loss plan.
Lose weight.
Weight loss does not happen faster or slower for people with particular blood types. People who are interested in weight loss should eat a well balanced diet, reduce total calories and increase exercise.
Well it really depends on how they diet. If they go on a fast, they may lose 5 or 6 lbs a week, so just times that by four. It varies with people, you know? Some peoples bodies will lose weight faster than others.
yes it helps you because it makes you sweat faster which makes you lose weight
Some will gain weight, and others will lose it. Drugs have different effects on different people, and can either make you feel more hungry (gain weight) or less hungry (lose weight).