Because people said she has hairy arms and legs
Many people in the world have hairy arms because their genetic code calls for hairy arms. The hair on your arms is a dominant trait that helps protect your precious skin.
Some do and some don't.
The yeti crab has hairy arms to "grab" floating plankton. The crab waves it arms in a cloud of plankton and the plankton gets stuck in there arms, then the plankton get eaten.
If people bother you, ignore them. There is nothing wrong with hair on legs and arms, it is natural. :) In some countries, nobody shaves.
It's completely normal. Some women do not like their arm hair, so they wax or shave it.
It is completely normal. Some people like it, others don't and don't really care. If it really bothers you, the option of shaving it with the result of a rough feeling after a few days on your arms because the hair is growing back. You should not shave for other peoples sake. There are not many girls and women with hairy arms. During the recent good weather back in March and May I only noticed out of hundreds of girls and women, only 2 had what I would say were hairy arms, and these 2 were what you would say only lightly hairy, I think most women shave their arms most weeks. Years ago when I worked in the Post Office, I delivered mail to a Health Centre, the receptionist, a girl of about 20 would have had hairy arms if she had not shaved them I would say at least once a fortnight to every 3 weeks, I noticed when I went to her to give her the mail, her arm hairs started growing and get quite noticeable, the next day, no hair, she of course shaved them off, this went on for years, I always wonder how hairy her arms would have become if she had not shaved them!!
I'm Asian and I do have hair on my arms and legs. Some asians although, are completely hairless. Its probably just the way we are ;D
No, its just an old myth used by some people.
they use thier hairy arms to catch bactiria