Because people said she has hairy arms and legs
Maybe. Some people (even women) have more hair than other people.
Many people in the world have hairy arms because their genetic code calls for hairy arms. The hair on your arms is a dominant trait that helps protect your precious skin.
Some do and some don't.
Some people who want to rid of their hair on their arms can shave it with a razor and shaving foam, however once you have done that the hair grows back very long making your arms hairy hope this helps!
Because patatoes
The yeti crab has hairy arms to "grab" floating plankton. The crab waves it arms in a cloud of plankton and the plankton gets stuck in there arms, then the plankton get eaten.
One can only guess he is, as he seems to have hairy arms.
If people bother you, ignore them. There is nothing wrong with hair on legs and arms, it is natural. :) In some countries, nobody shaves.
It's completely normal. Some women do not like their arm hair, so they wax or shave it.