It is not good for a dog to seizure, foam in the mouth, and flinch from human touch. It may mean that the dog has rabies. It means you may have to shoot the dog.
In some dialects, shudder and shutter are pronounced the same.
try her neck, earlobe, backside of her upper arms. :) some women are very sensitive on the backside of their knees.
some people die from sneezing
A Gold flinch is a bird that is golden colored. It has some black on it's wing though.
No. Some firers are less accurate with them because they flinch in anticipation of the recoil (this is sometimes known as "Magnum flinch"), but the rounds themselves aren't any less accurate.
no they get eaten, i had a praying mantis and the grasshopper kicked him in the head and the mantis didnt even flinch
yes they can but some don't
they think they are cool. Some people wear them that way to keep the sun off their neck.
Some people need physical symbols to focus their belief in. And some people are just odd.
There are some good places online where you can find and get in touch with people. Some of them are : ZABASearch SearchSystems peopleFind
It can once you get used to playing a scalloped neck. It's kind of difficult to get used to because you have to have a really light touch. If you press slightly too hard, it throws the note you were playing out of tune. But it can indeed improve your speed. Your fingers do not touch the wood of the fretboard, so there's no friction. Kind of like floating frets. Some say that it is impossible to play chords on a scalloped neck, because they come out of tune. But the only way that would be is if you pressed too hard. And scalloped frets are not for people who press hard. Before you get it done, either try to find a guitar with a scalloped neck to try out, or try some 8 gauge strings. With strings that light, you have to develop a light touch, because if not, you can easily bend it out of tune. Hope this has helped.