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This is nothing new. it is okay and even fashionable for Gals to don such male apparel as Trench coats- usually with the Garrison Belt- looks very good on a girl, leather jackets, cowboy-cowgirl outgear ( Huh!) and so on. There is no problem.

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Because. Lots of us think it's comfortable/hot to do so.

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Q: Why do some lesbians dress like men?
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Who likes brests better men or lesbians?

Well it depends on the person. some men and/or lesbians are not fond of breasts or attracted to them. some lesbians and/or men are very attracted to them. like i said, it depends on the person. And the size of the breasts

Why are some women look like men?

Lesbians don't necessarily look like men. Some lesbians adopt the dress, style, and mannerisms of men (for stylistic reasons, or as a form of social commentary), but that is hardly typical of lesbians as a whole. Remember, in the 19th century (and still, currently, in many parts of the world) a woman was considered a sexual deviant merely for wearing pants; appearance can often be a political statement as much as a personal choice.

Why do lesbians not like men?

They are "lesbians" which mean they like/love girls. Lesbians often have male friends they are just not attracted to men sexually.

Do boys like lesbians?

Some men like men, some men like women, some men like both men and women. Some women like men, some women like women, some women like both men and women. Different people love in different ways :)

Why do lesbians want a man?

Lesbians are capable of friendships with men, just like anyone else. But they do not want men as romantic interests.

Do guys like lesbians?

some men can and do like lesbians. even if they know they are a lesbian, most men cant help it when they are attracted to certain women. u should read hard love, its a book about a man who falls in love with a lesbian. i loved it!

Why gay men dislike lesbians?

Gay men do not dislike lesbians.

Can lesbians fall in love with boys?

It depends on the person, but most lesbians have many gay male friends.

How do Pakistani women and men dress?

men dress like us

How lesbians have babies?

Usually via a sperm door- either anonymous or known to the woman/couple. Some lesbians, like other people, choose to adopt. Some lesbians have children with male partners before they "come out" and a very few choose to have sex with men in order to get pregnant.

Why do boys like fat lesbians?

It's a preference that's all. Some like skinny women and others fat. Watching 2 women having sex is a very common fantasy among men. The lesbians however is usually not interested in the men at all.

Do all gays act like girls and all lesbians act like men?

No, that's just a stereotype. It depends on the person to be honest. Some guys feel more feminine and tend to act like girls, whereas some lesbians feel like tomboys and tend to act like men. It all really just depends on the personality of the person, nothing really at all to do with their sexuality.