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When you go through periods of not smoking, like when you're sleeping at night, your damaged cilia can't move the phlegm up to your throat where you can swallow it. Smoking does cause extra mucus to develop in order to get foreign toxins out of your lungs this makes you cough.

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14y ago

They have mucus in tgheir liungs and the mucus sticks to the tar and gets spat out of the persosn mouth when they cough.

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Q: Why do smokers cough in the morning?
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The smoke does because when you are around a bunch of smoke it makes it harder to breathe which causes you to cough so you can get all the bad stuff out of your system and breathe normally again.

Can i have smokers cough if only i have smoked about 5 times and light incense in my room often?

You can get smokers cough by doing that. The best way to get rid of it is to eat the worlds hottest pepper, speak weird languages and, wear underware on your head.

What is the main reason that smokers cough frequently?

cause there bad people and they dont know what to do with t

What protects the trachea from damage?

The smoke from the cigarette goes down your trachea this paralyzes the ciliated cells. These are important because they clear away mucus and dirt that you breathe in. They take a few hours to get back to normal. Thats why smokers cough in the morning

What feature of the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract is responsible for the smokers cough?

Ciliary dysfunction in the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract is responsible for the smoker's cough. Smoking damages the cilia, which are tiny hairs that help to move mucus and debris out of the airways. When cilia are impaired, mucus and irritants accumulate, leading to coughing as the body tries to expel them.