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it may be hot or something or maybe u may be embarrassed or mad.

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Q: Why do peoples ears go red?
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Why is Rudolf's ears red?

His ears are not red. Read my answer to the question: 'Why is rudo If's ears red?'

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first go to the red paint then you go to the ears and then you go to the red tool thing and go from there.

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why do we get red cheeks outside on a winter's day

Why are penguins ears red?

Penguins ears are not red. There.

What is different from peoples to dogs?

Its there floppy ears

Why is rudo lf's ears red?

I think you mean why his nose is red. He was born with a red nose. He doesn't have red ears.

Which country people has smallest ears?

The African Pygmy peoples.

Can roaches climb on bed Do they go in peoples ears?

Yes. There have been numerous accounts of this happening. It hurts and many times must be removed by a doctor.

How do Tasmanian Devils make their ears turn red?

Its ears turn red when it becomes agitated.

What type of turtle has red ears?

the uranium turtle has red ears, a blublack spotse shell and

Whats the meaning of the name Kelsey?

to bite off peoples ears.

If you pinch dog and peoples ears are you crazy?

i dont know but i have my whole life!