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They don't really. Most people are smart enough to know that hair color has nothing to do with brainpower, but the stigma can be attributed to the abundance of blonde jokes.

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10mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that brunettes are inherently smarter than people with other hair colors. Perceptions about intelligence based on hair color are rooted in stereotypes and societal biases, rather than any factual basis. Intelligence is unique to each individual and is not determined by physical characteristics like hair color.

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Why do men want to marry brunettes?

There is an Idea going around that smart women are more capable of having a healthy pregnancy so they think that a girl who is smart or brunette might be a better choice for carrying on his genes and having a family. But the Idea that brunettes are smart is just a stereotype. You don't buy into it. Some men just like brunettes and some men like blonds. Not ALL men want to marry brunettes. It depends on the individual's preferences and upon the individual - not the haircolor.

Why does Ambercombie and Fitch not like brunettes?

I don't think there's anything that proves they don't like brunettes. I've seen plenty of ads with all different types of people (including brunettes).

Are blondes as smart as brunettes?

Hair color does not determine intelligence.

Why does one woman look beautiful to one but not to others?

Many people have very different tastes of beauty. For example, some people think blondes are prettier than brunettes. But then others think brunettes are prettier than blondes.

Does nat wolff like pretty blondes?

nope he prefers smart brunettes

What type of girl dose nat wolff like?

he likes smart brunettes with sparkly eyes

Does Austin mahone only like blonde girls?

Some people would think because his crushes and his ex girlfriends are all blondes, but he just prefers blondes over brunettes that's all. In a girl he looks for smart and sensitive blonde or brunette.

Are brunettes hotter then blondes?

firstly brunettes are hard for boys and look more sexy and blonde's are easy and too girlie on the other side men like that.... once i was going to the shops and i saw these two Blondie girls and two men in the car and the men said come I'll give you a ride and they went so that's how easy they are some people say that Blondie's are crazy ..... some blonde's are but some ain't i prefer brunettes because i am a brunette .Blondie girls show off and boss people around firstly they think there princesses secondly they just think their pretty than everybody so i am on the brunettes side GO BRUNETTES GO BRUNETTES

Do guys find brunettes attractive?

It depends on the guys tastes, but there is definitely lots of people who find brunettes attractive.

Does Justin Bieber like brunettes?

Yesss! Justin does very much like brunettes as much as he loves blondes.

How smart are most people?

not as smart as they think. we can and should all be smarter than we are

Does Robert Pattinson like brunettes?

omg NO HE loves BLONDES! no joke so belive it and cry