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Because the are Sad and alone ..... the want some one to care......


They are showing off for their friend and the do not take in the safety of them or the people

Both Girls And Guys Do it every year

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Q: Why do people take dumb risks and kill them selfs?
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kill them selfs because there are dumb asses!

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It would be so lonely

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because we kill them. are you people dumb? stop answering this question.

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The Happening by M Night Shyamalan

What did the Aztecs do to kill people?

they do it fro religon dumb asses

Why are people dumb when other people are smart?

If someone ask you what is 20x50 just say I do not fu!@$% now b(*&*(! Just pee on there dumb a%$ leg and kill the b^%$@!

Why do prisoners kill them selfs?

Some prisoners kill themselves because they can't live in prisons.

Why do people fight for dumb reasons?

people are not smart. Humans are also a dangerous people that like to kill.

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whoever wrote this is dumb. sharks kill PEOPLE DUNCECAP !

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Human Torch: yes you dumb people i kill super

What is meant by 'suicide attempt'?

well it is when they try to kill them selfs, and fail/are stopped. can be they tried an action (slitting wrists, shooting them selfs etc.) but survived it, or that they were stopped at the last minute.

What do you call it when you kill your self?

well its called suicide of course. only people that are dumb would do that, stupid