It is just people that want to use a British accent and people in Britain that say ello govenor instead of hello.
hi how are you ello meen hello Ello!
they say 'ello'
ello mon
Estoy en ello.
The word 'ello' can mean a few different things. It can be a different way to say hello. Ello also is a commune in the Province of Lecco in Italy. The word is a Spanish pronoun that can mean it or that in English.
Lo oí eso oí ello oí oí aquello Lo he oído He oído eso ello he oído he oído aquello
The population of Ello is 1,202.
Ello in English means it.
Translation:¿Por qué iba / iban / ibas / ibais a decir ello / eso / aquello / tal?¿Por qué diría / dirían / dirías / diríais ello / eso / aquello / tal?
No. The people have absolutely no say in who is offered the position of Governor-General. The Governor-general is appointed by the Queen, on the advice and recommendation of the Prime Minister.