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Christmas trees originated in the Germanic states around the 15th century. Evergreen trees, especially the Fir tree, being beautiful and green in the winter were commonly used for decorations. The triangular shape was suggestive of the Christian Trinity and the evergreen trees were used to symbolize the "Tree of Life."

The Christmas Tree originated in Rome. The Romans decorated their houses with evergreen leaves to celebrate their holiday Saturnalia. Since the Christians used Saturnalia to make Christmas they used the Romans idea about the trees.

Christmas trees are an ancient German tradition. They are evergreen trees and stay green through the winter unlike many other plants. This means they can be used at Christmas and probably symbolises staying cheerful through months when food was scarce. This makes sense as no-one really knows when Jesus was born and Christmas is more likely based on the winter solstice a roman festival to celebrate getting through the winter. King George the Third brought Christmas trees to England because his wife was German. They were then only in the royal family until Queen Victoria's reign when they became common throughout the country. Queen Victoria also had the idea of putting presents under the tree.

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To have a pretty synergy and to have joy with a decrtive tree.

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