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Some People Like Their Music Loud While Others Do It To Act Cool Or Get Attention.

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Q: Why do people play loud music in vehicles?
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Related questions

Why do Pakistanis play loud music?

Because they can.....everybody loves to play loud music.

How loud is gospel music?

As loud as you want to play it, a gospel band usually doesn't play as loud as a rock or country band

You are an emo what should you do?

Play loud music. Emo is a genre of music.

What kind of speakers should you buy when you want to play loud music?

In order to have speakers that can play music loud and play it clearly one needs speakers with a high wattage. This will allow you to play music louder and still have it come out clearly.

Why is your music so loud and distasteful in the store?

WikiAnswers is not a store and does not play music.

What does fortissimo mean music?

In music, fortissimo means to play really loud.

Is there times that you should not play music loud?

Yes, in church for example or when other people are present in a public place.

What is Bahama music?

Bahamas play music that is smooth and jazz but when its a party it play loud music that can be played at a party or a club lol

Ipod touch play music outloud?

yes it can, but not that loud, if not loud enough buy speaker's

Does the 2nd genaration Ipod play music out loud?

It can't play out loud by it's self, I play mine on a dock with speakers. Just plug speakers into the headphones slot.

Where do you get big sound systems for your car?

So you look cool, and play your music so LOUD, that old people hate you.

What does fortissimo mean in music?

No, it's a performance mark meaning very strong or loud.