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because they can laugh as much as they want and it is said that if we laugh so much and be happy we will live long

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Q: Why do people like funny signs?
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Why people like funny signs?

because they can laugh as much as they want and it is said that if we laugh so much and be happy we will live long

Where can funny street signs be bought?

Funny street signs can be purchased online at Amazon and eBay. Ninja Novelty Signs and Safety Signs both have a wide assortment of signs one can choose from as well.

Why are people funny?

Because they're just cool/funny like that.

Do you have to be funny?

No. You don't have to be funny. Ha. Ha. But if you were quite funny people would like you more.

Why do people like Smith?

People like Will Smith because he is funny

What is the funnest thing to do on a date?

You could do something totally random and funny - like cleaning stop signs!

Why do people like shake it up?

I like it cuz its funny.

This girl smiled you does she like you?

no, there would be more signs if a girl "liked you" yes she do because u did something funny or something

What are lesbian signs of attraction?

Well I would have thought it would be the same as heterosexual signs of attraction. It all depends on the people, not the sexuality. You can be flirty, shy, playful, or funny. Just be yourself :)

Why do people like toilet humor?

They aren't funny

What Wales people are like?

Funny Ear lobes

Any funny no smoking signs websites?