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Ah that is a good question. It´s one of the core questions about human existence.

In the religion's point of view a man was given the ability to choose, so he could make right and wrong decisions to develop his soul. (This is a fusion sentence of few religions, put into prose).

In science's point of view the ability to choose is mandatory for survival. Of course it is rational to dislike poison and to like food that sustains you. We have different tastes only because in the early days people did not know what was poisonous.

Something that was good to eat yesterday, might have spoiled overnight by active bacteria. Even to be deadly the next day. So it is simple as this: the people who liked the food yesterday would eat it and die. And the ones who did not like it, did not eat it, and survived.

This was so important the body developed a chemical response to liking: a surplus of hormones called endorfines. The more important the thing is to the individual, the more endorfine is produced. Even to the state of euforia.

Same goes with the dislike; the body produces chemicals that make you avoid things.

Over the thousand of years this liking and disliking was expanded to other things too. Especially human relations. The interaction with others. It is important part of the survival of the species, as homo sapiens is a gregarious animal.

Today liking and disliking is the core function of what we are and who we are.

It is the sum of our education, our religion and our bring-up. It is the way to prove you are alive. It is the way to show what community you belong to or what community you wish to belong.

I believe people who are dropping out of society have this chemical balance somehow broken, that they have so mild responses they have difficulty to feel. Or they have so overly active responses they have to isolate themselves or null their senses to be able to exist. But this is just my opinion, and I am no specialist in this matter.

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10mo ago

People like or dislike things based on their personal preferences, experiences, beliefs, and values. When something aligns with their tastes or brings them joy, they are likely to like it. Conversely, if something conflicts with their values or causes discomfort, they may dislike it.

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