Some people are able to laugh at themselves, is graphically correct.
A sentence beginning with laugh is an order.
Example sentence - It is easy to laugh with her.
They laugh at me when I fall down the stairs.
It has a subject (you). It has a verb (laugh). It expresses a complete thought. Looks like a sentence to me.
The wealthy people taunt and laugh at the proletariats.
Because if people are having fun/laughing XD is representing a laugh.
His pathetic efforts at hitting the target made some people laugh.
"Laugh" is the subject of the sentence, which in normal word order ( and proper sequence of tenses ) is: Her laugh is what I loved most about her. Her laugh is what she did when she was happy and amused - as in Ha, Ha, Ha Grammatically it is a noun
The answer is simply: For example; Will she laugh at this answer? Probably not!
I always laugh at good jokes.
My friend told me a joke, it made me laugh! Clowns make me laugh!