to have naked wet sex
I am sure the majority of people are 'naked' before they have sex.... correct me if I am wrong
on hannnah Montana sex
So you can reach everywhere but some people have clothing on. It depends on where and when you have sex.
There are not any formal studies done to determine how many people go outside naked.
Sometimes its like an OCD a person has, that they like to go to the bathroom naked.
you go to a bar or something and drag him to you kiss him alot so he likes you then take him to a boy/girl restroom. have sex with him there naked together, badabing, you saw a naked body and felt one
Get naked
If you are in bed it is sex, if you are laying down it is sex it you are sitting NOT ON EACHOTHER it is not sex.
We think that people look at naked people because some people love having sex nude. Some kids think being naked is super gross or funny and they just stare and giggle. But it is mostly sex.I was reading Guiness World records 2012 and i saw a record saying most people riding a theme park ride naked. I THINK THE DUDES ON THAT ROLLER COASTER JUST WANTED TO BREAK A WORLD RECORD NOT JUST MAKING FUN OF THEIRSRLVES OF BEING NUDE. THEIR WASN'T ANY WOMEN ON THAT RIDE SO THERE IS NO SEX.
get naked with a nother girls and have sex
You are gay if you are primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to people of the same sex as yourself, or if all or almost all of your sexual fantasies involve people of the same sex as yourself. It's normal for young people to look at each other naked, by the way. It's part of learning about your body.