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Because you will love him forever and will never get over it...

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Q: Why do people cheat with their first loves?
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How do you cheat in loves arrow miniclip?

u have to shoot the hearts when they meet and try to do the same with the people

How can you be sure that a guy loves you?

he doesn't cheat on you.

Do a guy loves his girlfriend if he willing to cheat on her and even mentions her to the other woman?

No, because of the fact that he cheated in the first place

What guy doesn't cheat on a girl?

A guy who truly loves his girl would never cheat!!

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Why do people still cheat if they are both happily married?

People who are happily married do not cheat. ANSWER: Simple they would never let their status gets on the way of what they want to do. From the recent survey, married man who is in happy marriage will also cheat to their wife. It's the challenge, excitement that they love. The power knowing women loves to be with them is what makes them excited.

How can you get your girlfriend to believe you that you DID NOT cheat on her when you first started dating When You Know FOR SURE You Did NOT Cheat On Her?

You cannot make other people believe things.

Does billy joe Armstrong cheat on his wife?

No! He loves her very much :D

You lie a lot its a problem but how do you prove that you didn't cheat and not going to?

if she loves you like she did when you first said it then she should believe you but if she dosent then that means there is no longer a connection in that relationship and you need to move on.

What does it mean if you feel the urge to cheat on someone who loves you?

It means you are looking for something that you're lacking in your current situation. DO NOT CHEAT. If you truly care about the person who loves you, talk to them. Cheating will make them hate you. If you're that unhappy...leave the one you're with and pursue other avenues. DO NOT CHEAT. Cheating does nothing but destroy.

The Maya were the first people who lived in the Americas that use the number?

They were the first to use Zero. Don't cheat on your test.

Are there mech quest cheat codes?

No there are not,theres a hack/cheat protection,mechquest is online it shows first person but theres millions of people playing