Most people don't actually celebrate Black Friday, although some like shopping so much it may seem like a celebration. The rest of us dread Black Friday because of the crowds and traffic.
The same things that everyone else celebrates.
i don't know where they celebrate it,much less why they even celebrate it.
if you dont celebrate that black people are free then people will still think that it is right to hate them and it celebrates all the good things black people did for us.
yes because a lot of black people have done a lotstuff for this country to and the so get a month to celebrate it to it not fair for everyone to say stuff about black people then we can have a month to celebrate the good things black people did for the world made ya that's y its special and ask yourself why wouldn't it be
Just because you're African doesn't mean that you can't be any religion you want. A Chinese person could be Christian. Those African people could be Christian, or maybe they have no other holiday to celebrate. I don't know, I'm no expert, but they have every right to celebrate what ever holiday they want.
Black History Month Stand For Black People Dress In Costumes And Celebrate Natasha Persaud
Not everyone is Black, however there are several areas in the world with people who are darker skinned.SIDE NOTES:Not all Black people are desendants of Africa.
Black people may celebrate when Barack Obama won because his election as the first black President of the United States was a moment of historic significance and symbolized progress and achievement for the African American community. It represented a breaking of barriers and a recognition of the potential for success and leadership among black individuals in American society.
There isn't a specific 'Black People Day' but their is Black History Month(February) where people celebrate and remember the important people, history, and events of the African Diaspora. I am not accurate on the specific date, but I am sure that this month has some significance to your question.
Canada and the United Kingdom also celebrate Black History Month.
I don't know of any countries that celebrate Kwanzaa. I believe it is more likely celebrated by pockets of people who have embraced the principals of the holiday. Thereore, it can be celebrated by any black population around the world. Certainly there are French people who celebrate it.