I coined this phrase in 1992 after watching the movie Vacation. I had gone into a Wal-Mart store for the very first time and it was amazing in comparison to the Kmarts and Sears of the time. I started using this phrase within my group of friends and it spread. I called it this because half of the name which is Wal was also part of Wallyworld which was the amusement park used in the movie Vacation. This store was like my amusement park of the time because we had nothing here in Arizona to go do but to frequent the local Wal-Mart. The term originated in 1992 in Arizona by T. Klimek.
It comes from wally world
19.99 at walmart
They call him Waldo instead of Wally. ie. Where's Waldo
Try Best buy, walmart, etc.
for Sam Walton?
Walmart has everything! If you really want to make sure that it has, just call them or go to their homepage. Just make sure that you call the walmart that is around your house.
Walmart sells it for $28.54 so you should look for cheaper than that. The preowned at Walmart sell for more at $29.99 See related link
Call or vist the store. Walmart also has aps on their site.
You may stay to have dinner with Wally if you call and get permission from you mother.
People from all over the world call the same thing different names. Some people call obituaries death notices. Where did this term come from?
Many con artists use the Walmart name. Call Walmart itself to check on any "deal". And don't call the number the website gives, look up your local Walmart's number!